Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elimination Chamber 2011 Predictions

WWE Championship Match:
-The Miz (c) vs. Jerry Lawler
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
-Edge (c) vs. Kane vs. Wade Barrett vs. Drew McIntyre vs. TBA
Elimination Chamber Match for a WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania:
-CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. Randy Orton vs. R-Truth vs. Sheamus
WWE Tag Team Championship Match:
-Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c's) vs. Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel
Non-Title Singles Match:
-Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston

Sadly i am not too excited about tonights PPV. All the matches seem very predictable. I do however think that one or two matches will be added to the card. This is the order i think the matches will be in tonight.

Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
-Edge (c) vs. Kane vs. Wade Barrett vs. Drew McIntyre vs. TBA vs. Rey Mysterio

I like the superstars in this match, but only the faces have a chance at winning since the winner faces Alberto Del Rio at Wrestlemania 27. There is an open spot in this match which hasn't been noticed by many, i don't think this will happen but this spot could be used for Christian, Christian wins the title and sets up Edge vs ADR vs Christian at WM27 for the title. However i see Cody Rhodes having this spot to heat up the fued between him and Mysterio. My main prediction is for Edge to retain with Kane or Barrett being the last to be pinned.

(Possible Match) Big Show vs Zeke Jackson

I would like to see this match and it would put over Jackson, the rest of the Corre have matches tonight, this rivalry has looked interesting and this is most likely the reason why Big Show is not in the Chamber. Big Show would win this match but big zeke would look inpressive.

Non-Title Singles Match:
-Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston

i just noticed something! Kofi Kingston is Intercontinental Champion! Forgot he ever won it, he hasn't done anything with the belt and it could be defended in this match according to reports. Alberto will win, theres no chance of him losing even if the title is on the line.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:
-Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c's) vs. Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel

How many times has this match happened? and its always the same outcome with Santino about to win and Barrett and Jackson attack them. Why can't Vlad ever get the pinfall just wondering. I think The Corre (with two Rs thanks to Slater) will win the titles, which will heat up a fued with (New) Nexus.

(Possible Match) Divas Championship Match
Michelle McCool vs Eve

I hope this is a match, its been building since the Rumble. If this was a match Eve would retain.

WWE Championship Match:
-The Miz (c) vs. Jerry Lawler

This will be very like the matches on Raw, were Miz dominates until Jerry comes back into the match and looks impressive. Lawler will come close to winning the match but Michael Cole will get Miz DQed so he keeps the title, this will heat the fued going into mania between the two announcers, Lawler will cut a promo backstage before the match, saying that he has waited for this his entire career. But Miz will retain by DQ.

Elimination Chamber Match for a WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania:-CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. Randy Orton vs. R-Truth vs. Sheamus

R-Truth will win and main event Wrestlemania 27...... ok all joking aside the first 4 on the list above (Punk, Cena, Morrison and Orton) are the only ones who stand a chance. I don't think it will be won by Orton or Punk as they will have a match with each other at WM27, Morrison would have been a possibility a month ago for a Morrison v Miz match at WM27, but this match will be won by John Cena. The Rock pretty much gave it away, i hope Cena has an interview tonight want to hear his thoughts on Rock. The final two in this match will be Orton and Cena, with Cena winning and for the seventh Wrestlemania in a row he will be in the title match.

I don't expect tonights PPV to be great as i don't see many twists happening as everything seems predictable, i hope to be shocked tonight but i don't see it happening.


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