Friday, February 4, 2011

WWE Smackdown results [February 4,2011]

"Acting" SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero announced Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches (WATCH | PHOTOS)
After Vickie announced there would be a series of Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches, the "acting" GM ordered Kelly Kelly to the ring to discuss her attack on Vickie during the World Heavyweight Championship Match at Royal Rumble (PHOTOS). As Vickie, Ziggler and Kelly Kelly exchanged heated words about Royal Rumble, Kelly Kelly slapped Ziggler, which led to chaos involving Lay-Cool and Edge.

World Heavyweight Champion Edge & Kelly Kelly def. Dolph Ziggler, Michelle McCool & Layla in a 3-on-2 Handicap World Heavyweight Championship Match (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Before the main event, Vickie declared that if Edge used the Spear, he would be stripped of the World Title. Increasing the challenge that lay ahead, if Kelly Kelly were to lose to Lay-Cool, The Rated-R Superstar would also lose his title.
In a stunning conclusion to the bout, it was Kelly Kelly who secured the victory – and Edge’s title – by dropping Layla with a spear. Then in a bitter rebuttal, Vickie fired Kelly Kelly from WWE! Next, after Edge watched his ex-wife berate Kelly Kelly and force her from the arena in tears, Vickie announced Edge would face Ziggler next week for the World Title … with Vickie as the special guest referee. As The Ultimate Opportunist pondered his newest obstacle, Ziggler viciously attacked from behind with a Zig Zag.

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