I recently had the pleasure of seeing the Dalai Lama in person, along with Richard Gere and Alice Walker at
Emory University. You can read about it
His Holiness has been named a Presidential Distinguished Professor by the University, and lucky for us in Georgia, he has taken it very seriously. In fact, Emory has been reaching out to the Tibetan monks for some time now creating collaborative studies between religion and science. We're spotting their tell-tale robes around town more and more as a result.
With this as a backdrop, I was recently sent a new graphic novel - a manga biography created by Tetsu Saiwai for Penguin Books called THE 14TH DALAI LAMA.
It's the story of the Dalai Lama's incredible life journey through illustrations. And even though the Dalai Lama has been surrounded by violence for much of his life, the book handles it with sensitivity. Although I do wish it had focused more on the amazing things His Holiness has actually
done rather than simply focus on what was happening around him and how he escaped it all - I still learned much from this book.
In fact, the author/illustrator, Tetsu Saiwai, has done a number of educational biographical mangas over his 20-year career. He lives in western Japan, so sadly, I was not able to do my preferred interview for this book. However, I love that manga can handle non-fiction in this way, making history more accessible to readers who tend to absorb information better in an illustrated format. (Great for reluctant readers!)
Seeing His Holiness in person was awe-inspiring. With all he's been through, all the war and injustice he's had to experience, he still smiles quickly, laughs easily, and is downright charming. It's amazing that his attitude and world view remains so peaceful and incredibly positive.
With that in mind, and thanks to a Penguin Books publicist, I have TWO
free copies of THE 14TH DALAI LAMA to give away in a... peaceful manner. (Especially appropriate as we head towards this day of thanks.) Leave a comment below about or for peace. It can be a quote, a thought, a sentiment, whatever you like. That's all you need to do to enter the drawing. I'll randomly choose a winner on the last day of November, announcing the winner on December 1st. So get your comments in!