Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Visit to the Wye

I'd hazard to say that Sarah's favorite place in the Smokies is the Wye in Townsend, at least for a day trip. She wanted to get out of the house this morning, and I thought it would be a good idea to give Sherry a quiet house for a couple of hours, so I loaded Sarah into the car and drove us up there.
For those readers who ain't from around here, the Wye is the confluence of the Little River and the Middle Prong of the Little River, and it is a popular swimming hole in the warm months of the year. We confined ourselves to rock hopping today, and it was the first time Sarah and I did some serious river rock hopping. She did well for her first time out, and she was quite adventuresome.

You just can't find this anywhere else, and I'm very happy that Sarah is growing up with the mountains in her backyard, as I did. I feel a bit of the wonder of my childhood every time I go up into the mountains, and today was no exception. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful and peaceful place.
In the summer, this area (above) will be covered with sunbathers.

This view is looking upstream at the Middle Prong from its confluence with the Little River.

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