Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day!

It's Groundhog Day! The day when all those cute little critters poke their noses out of their burrows to see if Spring is on its way.
     I love 'groundhog spotting' whenever we go on road trips - the fuzzy cuddlies seem to love steep embankments that run along highways. Of course, when you see one, you have to yell out in your best Bill Murray imitation, "Groundhog!"
     And the most famous groundhog of them all is Punxsutawney Phil. Go check out his official website at!

PS - Want some silliness on Groundhog Day? Check out Fuse #8 where you'll find "Punxsutawney Phil Pudding Pops!" (Recipe via a link there.)

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