Monday, February 7, 2011

Good news for children's BOOKS!

PW recently had an article, "What Do Children's Book Consumers Want?" It summarizes surveys done by some of the top publishing houses in the country.
     In this rush towards a digital age, the findings were somewhat surprising. For instance "books ranked number one over all other media for the youngest ages." Yay! And 68% of children's get the books they read for fun from their school library and 64% from public libraries. (And yet our libraries are facing closes all over the country???)
     Even more good news - 58% of children 0-6 read for fun. Granted, that goes down as they get older - 39% by the time they hit their teens. But even so, we're talking Print books - not eBooks.
     Yes, the future of eBooks is HUGE, but it's heartening to read that our beloved print books are still going strong as well.

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