Friday, February 4, 2011

21/02/11 mystery solved?

During the week i rewatched the video that was on this weeks Raw, i then read a report saying that The Undertaker is being advertised to return on this date, which is a monday so Raw will be on, the arena in which this Raw is taking place in is advertising Undertakers Return which has been highlighted.

I then noticed this
1-1= 0

(If Taker wins at Wrestlemania 27 this will be his streak.)

Its a shame that one hour after i figured this out i seen it a poster on post the same clue. Thats why i didn't post it asap. Undertaker is returning this night, not Sting or Christian.

Speaking of returns HHH needs to return soon, i think the ideal time would be on the 21/02/11 too, though i can see him costing Sheamus the elimination chamber match at the PPV.

*Check out my newest WDS video on my youtube channel which is on Kelly Kelly from this past sundays Royal Rumble PPV*


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