Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WWE Smackdown spoilers for July 15,2011

* Josh Matthews interviewing Randy Orton opens the show, talking about the match against Christian at Money in the Bank. Christian appears on the big screen and insults Orton's father.

* Someone has spray painted Randy Orton's bus backstage in the parking lot. The graffiti insults Teddy Long and Orton. Christian walks up and acts like he's surprised.  

* Christian was shown walking around the casino and said he found Orotn's wallet. Christian gambled with some of Orton's money and lost.

* Kelly Kelly beat Rosa Mendes.

* Kane beat Randy Orton in the main event via count out. Orton ended up getting knocked to the floor and Christian came to ringside. Orton chased Christian and was counted out. After the match, Orton hit the RKO on Kane but got speared by Christian. Christian grabbed a chair but Orton took it from him. Orton nailed Kane with the chair as Christian ran up the ramp.


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