Friday, July 15, 2011

WWE Smackdown results [July 15,2011]

Christian taunted World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton (PHOTOS)
What started with Christian taunting Randy Orton with a picture of him with the World Title (WATCH) escalated as the night progressed. First, he vowed to find out who vandalized Randy Orton’s tour bus (WATCH). Then, he lost a bunch of Orton’s money at the roulette wheel (WATCH). Finally, he offered his thoughts on Orton in That’s What I Am (WATCH).

Divas Champion Kelly Kelly def. Rosa Mendes (WATCH | PHOTOS)
After driving Rosa Mendes' head to the canvas, Kelly Kelly picked up the win. At Money in the Bank, Kelly Kelly puts her title on the line against Brie Bella. (Preview)

Kane def. World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton by Disqualification in a Non-Title Match (WATCH | PHOTOS)
A night of Christian’s taunting of Randy Orton culminated during the main event between Kane and Orton. When Christian came to ringside, Kane used the distraction to clothesline Orton out of the ring. The momentum also sent Kane careening onto the arena floor. But while Kane smartly climbed back into the ring, Orton decided to pursue Christian, which resulted in him getting doused with water by Christian and counted out of the bout.
That’s when the chaos began.
As a furious Orton chased Christian around and into the ring, The Viper found himself the victim of a vicious 2-on-1 assault at the hands of both Kane and Christian. But when Kane turned his attention to Christian, The Viper blasted Kane with an RKO. Then just seconds after, Christian charged and speared Orton. After pummeling Orton with blows, Christian armed himself with a steel chair. But before Christian could use the chair, Orton kicked Christian in the gut and wrested control of the chair. Then, seething with anger, Orton erupted and unloaded on Kane with multiple, brutal chair shots while Christian looked on.
After the display, can Orton possibly contain his temper and avoid being disqualified and losing his title at Money in the Bank? What surprises does Christian have left in store for Orton? The fate of the World Title will be determined this Sunday. (Preview)

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