Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AA = A-hole Airlines

Prediction: Inside of 18 months, we're going to have to pay to use the rest room on commercial airplanes.

If I flew more than a few times a year, I'd be really irate about this. Aw, hell. I'm irate anyway. It figures that the new fee goes into effect the very week we're flying cross-country for our first trip of the year.

I get that businesses need to charge customers more money when their own expenses go up, but why do they have to do it like this? I'd much rather pay more for the single major cost (the ticket) instead of paying for the ticket and then having to shell out 10 bucks here and 20 bucks there for ticky-tack fees. Maybe you're losing money because you keep pissing off your customers. Does anyone know if American hired executives from Sprint recently?

I'm glad I just cashed in most of my frequent flier miles on American, because after this, they can get bent.

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