Monday, January 31, 2011

Royal Rumble 2011 - Thoughts and Stats

The Royal Rumble Match

That didn't happen...... Alberto Del Rio did not win the Royal Rumble match by eliminating Santino in the final 2. When i really seen this happen live, i almost fainted. Many more people deserve it more than Alberto, if he entered earlier i would say that he would have deserved it. The Santino bit was great until he got eliminated, i thought he was going to win it. I never did forget that he rolled out of the ring. But..... i do credit WWE, this was the most unpredictable Royal Rumble i have ever witnessed (in over a decade) as there were no huge returns or huge superstars that hadn't won the match before thats why i thought CM Punk would win. I'l begin from the start, i liked the whole Nexus vs Corre battle at the start, i was right about Daniel Byran being in the match for over 20 minutes, John Morrisons ParCour is incredible, that so easily could have been botched. it would not have mattered at this stage anyway considering how he got eliminated. Nexus dominating was good but it lasted too long,  it was predictable that Cena would be the one to stop the Nexus but CM Punk should not have been eliminated. It was great seeing Booker T, even though i predicted i was shocked when i seen him, plus i was right about Great Khali (in my post last week), Hornswoggles part in the match was great, i wish he would be on camera more often. Kofi and Swagger were not too impressive in the match, i would have liked to see them plus McIntyre, DiBiase in the match longer. Sheamus and Drew teaming up made it look more legit. Kevin Nash wow! he got a huge pop and will be used again by WWE because of that, a possible WM fued with Big Show possibly? oh yeah... i was right about Big Show being eliminated by Zeke. When it came to 39 and Randy entered, thats when i knew HHH would not return as Kane was on my mind throughout the entire match, probably better that HHH didn't return as it was too predictable i think he will return TONIGHT on Raw instead (WWE did the same with The Miz winning the WWE title). Kane did not beat HBK's record of 39 overall eliminations as Kane now has 37 (now 2nd), i knew Kane would enter late but i wasn't happy as he only eliminated Zeke Jackson and got eliminated by Rey Mysterio. John Cena's elimination was well done,  lets just say we will be watching that clip in a Wrestlemania 27 match promo. Final 4 - Santino, Orton, Del Rio, Barrett. I didn't even expect 3 of them to be in the final 4. Like i said earlier i almost fainted once Del Rio won. It was a great Rumble and smart move WWE making it 40 men, it made it much better.

The Stats.

Royal Rumble Entrants:
1. CM Punk
2. Daniel Bryan
3. Justin Gabriel
4. Zack Ryder
5. William Regal
6. Ted DiBiase
7. John Morrison
8. Yoshi Tatsu
9. Husky Harris
10. Chavo Guerrero
11. Mark Henry
12. JTG
13. Michael McGillicutty
14. Chris Masters
15. David Otunga
16. Tyler Reks
17. Kozlov
18. R-Truth
19. Great Khali
20. Mason Ryan
21. Booker T
22. John Cena
23. Hornswoggle
24. Tyson Kidd
25. Heath Slater
26. Kofi Kingston
27. Jack Swagger
28. Sheamus
29. Rey Mysterio
30. Wade Barrett
31. Dolph Ziggler
32. Kevin Nash (Diesel)
33. Drew McIntyre
34. Alex Riley
35. Big Show
36. Ezekiel Jackson
37. Santino Marella
38. Alberto Del Rio (WINNER)
39. Randy Orton
40. Kane

Royal Rumble Eliminations:
1. Gabriel (via Bryan at 2:35)
2. Ryder (via Bryan at 3:45)
3. Regal (via DiBiase at 8:52)
4. Chavo (via Henry at 15:05)
5. Yoshi (via Henry at 15:34)
6. JTG (via McG at 18:00)
7. DiBiase (via Harris & McG at 18:51)
8. Bryan (via Harris at 20:56)
9. Masters (via Punk at 21:11)
10. Morrison (via Nexus at 21:25)
11. Henry (via Nexus at 21:50)
12. Reks (via Nexus at 22:50)
13. Kozlov (via Punk at 24:19)
14. R-Truth (via Punk at 26:10)
15. Husky (via Khali at 27:23)
16. Khali (via Mason at 28:22)
17. Booker (via Mason at 31:00)
18. Ryan (via Cena at 32:35)
19. Otunga (via Cena at 32:40)
20. McGillicutty (via Cena at 32:41)
21. Punk (via Cena at 35:20)
22. Kidd (via Cena at 37:05)
23. Slater (via Cena at 38:42)
24. Hornswoggle (via Sheamus at 43:53)
25. Swagger (via Rey at 45:35)
26. Diesel (via Barrett at 52:22)
27. Ziggler (via Show at 54:52)
28. McIntyre (via Show at 55:18)
29. Show (via Jackson at 55:33)
30. Riley (via ??? at ???)
31. Kingston (via Orton at 60:42)
32. Sheamus (via Orton at 60:48)
33. Jackson (via Kane at 62:35)
34. Kane (via Rey at 63:29)
35. Rey (via Barrett at 63:37)
36. Cena (via Miz at 66:30)
37. Orton (via Barrett at 68:37)
38. Barrett (via Del Rio at 68:39)
39. Santino (via Del Rio at 69:48)
Times in the Ring.

* CM Punk - 35:22
* John Cena - 33:18
* Wade Barrett - 22:24
* Kofi Kingston - 21:05
* Daniel Bryan - 20:56
* Rey Mysterio Jr. - 19:08
* Sheamus - 18:18
* Husky Harris - 15:59
* Michael McGillicutty - 15:07
* John Morrison - 13:22
* Santino Marella - 12:55
* Alberto Del Rio - 12:33
* Ted Dibiase Jr. - 12:16
* David Otunga - 11:57
* Hornswoggle - 9:39
* Randy Orton - 8:20
* Ezekiel Jackson - 7:14
* Mark Henry - 7:03
* Yoshi Tatsu - 5:35
* Dolph Ziggler - 5:02
* Jack Swagger - 4:51
* Drew McIntyre - 4:46
* Mason Ryan - 4:30
* William Regal - 4:10
* The Big Show - 3:31
* Alex Riley - 3:16
* Diesel - 2:44
* Chavo Guerrero - 2:01
* Chris Masters - 1:57
* Kane - 1:36
* JTG - 1:48
* The Great Khali - 1:16
* Booker T - 1:08
* Justin Gabriel - 0:58
* Heath Slater - 0:57
* Tyson Kidd - 0:52
* Zack Ryder - 0:43
* Vladimir Kozlov - 0:40
* Tyler Reks - 0:34
* R-Truth - 0:30
Elimination Total
* CM Punk - 7
* John Cena - 7
* Michael McGillicutty - 4
Randy Orton - 3
* Husky Harris - 3
* Daniel Bryan - 2
* Mark Henry - 2
* Rey Mysterio - 2
* Wade Barrett - 2
* Alberto Del Rio - 2
* Mason Ryan - 2
* Big Show - 2
* David Otunga - 2
* Ted DiBiase Jr. - 1
* The Great Khali - 1
* Sheamus - 1
* Kofi Kingston - 1
* Ezekiel Jackson - 1
* Kane - 1
+ The Miz eliminated John Cena.

Divas Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
Natayla vs Michelle McCool vs Layla vs Eve

Why did Eve win? she had no need to win the title. Melina should have been in the match instead of Eve. It was an ok match, still short which is surprising since they needed to kill time.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs Dolph Ziggler

Great match, Ziggler and Edge both did well, it is clear that Dolph will get a rematch since Edge used the spear but im happy that Edge used the Killswitch to win. I always knew Edge was going to win but Dolph helped make it a good match and Dolph will be a World Champion some day. Let just say Kelly Kelly will be in my next WDS video because of her not wearing a thong as her ass was exposed. That could be made soon actually, i had no idea why she was the one who attacked Vickie but it makes since looking at how WWE used the other Divas throughout the night. Edge and Dolph really did kill time but made it exciting.

WWE Championship
The Miz vs Randy Orton

An OK match, it was the worst singles match of the night (when was the last time there was 2 single matches and they were the WWE and WHC title matches on a PPV?) Miz dominated the match for far too long though. Orton throwing Riley on Nexus was impressive and CM Punk costing Orton the title was smart. The Miz is awesome!

After Royal Rumble this is my expected Wrestlemania 27 Card (not all the matches)

  • WWE Championship - The Miz vs John Cena
  • World Championship - Edge vs Alberto Del Rio
  • Undertaker vs Wade Barrett
  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk
  • Triple H vs Sheamus
  • Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes
Yes this years Wrestlemania will suck! There will be more matches but these are likely.
Lets type something i never thought i would ever realistically type.

"The Royal Rumble match was won by Alberto Del Rio who eliminated Santino in the final two, to book his place in the title match at Wrestlemania 27"


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