Moby Dick, only with a kraken and a creepy twist ending. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]
Yellow Submarine

Bully has what may or may not be random panels from a Beatles comic. It's sort of hard to tell with the Beatles.
Not that Land of the Lost

Long before Marshall, Will, and Holly met the greatest earthquake ever known, Isabel and Billy discovered the original Land of the Lost: an undersea kingdom "where all the things that disappear from Earth find their way." Isabel Manning Hewson came up with the idea and developed it into a radio program that she also wrote and narrated; then turned it into a book illustrated by Olive Bailey. Which of course led to a comics version written by Hewson and illustrated by Bailey.
The series assumes that its readers are familiar with the other versions and just recaps - as opposed to retells - the origin story in the first issue. Pappy posted that first story - featuring a lost nickel and a plot to kill the series' hero, a fish named Red Lantern - earlier this year.

More recently, Pappy followed up with the second story from Land of the Lost #1. In this one, the Land of the Lost's inhabitants plan a surprise party for Red Lantern and are visited by a mysterious, blind merman.
Creature from the Black Lagoon vs. Aquavelva Man

Read the whole thing at The Aquaman Shrine. It's a Bizarro strip, so it is - of course - awesome.
Black Orchid visits the Island of Fear

And stops a slavery ring in the process. [Diversions of the Groovy Kind]
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