Friday, May 7, 2010

Google Editions will have Unique ISBN numbers!

YES!!! I'm starting to hear other companies talking about the importance of assigning ISBN numbers to books (no matter their format). I know its a sleeper subject, but it's important to creators like me. READ WHY HERE: Why APPs need ISBN Numbers.
     And Google is doing it for good reasons - the ISBN system is already established, crosses platforms and is trackable through Bowker. For authors it means we can attach ourselves to our eBooks through search sites like,, jacketflap, etc. (Right now, there is no way to do it.)
     Per Publishers Lunch:
     With or Without You, Your Google Editions Will Have Unique ISBNs
... for products sold through Google Editions. They will use the industry-standard ISBN--as opposed to vendors like Amazon, who assign their own unique ASINs to Kindle books.
     Google's Tom Turvey says in the announcement "this decision was driven by the book industry's strong reliance on the ISBN along with our partner-centric business and distribution models. We look forward to working closely with Bowker, our publishing and retail partners and the ISBN Standards Community to ensure a stabilized and uniform approach to the cataloging, discovery and selling of Google Editions."
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