Sunday, August 7, 2011

Randy Orton vs John Cena - a Train Wreck to Say the Least

A train wreck is the polite way to talking about the WWE Title match between Randy Orton and John Cena Sunday night at SummerSlam in Los Angeles.

First there was the unoriginal ending of Orton getting DQ'ed, and then the worst ring announcer in the history of the business, who couldn't leave the sport soon enough, botched the announcement that Orton was DQ'ed and that Cena was the winner. Let me ask you this - how many times in the last few years has Lillian Garcia botched announcements in big matches, only to be back on RAW the next night?

Then there was the count-out ending, which again was weak and then overturned by least that's what we were told by the awful Lillian. Then the Orton on the ropes ending, which is where this should have simply ended. It was bad enough, just put a stop to it.

But oh no.

Then we had the weird spot of the year, with a "fan" (I'm not convinced it wasn't a spot) came in, and started to choke out the ref. After a few minutes of weird silence to make it seem real, which is might have been, still not sure, Orton quickly got a pin, as probably backstage they said let's just end this thing already.

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