Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Home Invaded By Birds and Bat

This last week before vacation has already been interesting for us. In addition to my misadventures yesterday at the Fort Craig playground, we've had forest creatures invade our house two nights in a row. We've had a bird's nest in the top of our chimney for several weeks now, and last year we returned from vacation to find baby birds in our house, much to our cats' delight. At least this year they dropped in before we left. This happened Monday night, and I put the two tiny featherless hatchlings outside yesterday morning. One was still alive, but I doubt he survived the day, especially with cats on the prowl.

Last night we had a bat clinging to the blinds on one of the windows of our bedroom. As a lawyer, I might have extended professional courtesy and put the little fellow up for the night, but my dear wife insisted on his expulsion. I donned my work gloves, which was a good idea for his fangs were quite sharp, and ejected him out the back door. He flapped off into the night no worse for the experience.

May the rest of the week be uneventful.

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